spain/basque country

Following his alternative to military service as a conscientious objector near the end of the Vietnam War, John Paul engaged in his early work in peace studies from Barcelona, Spain, which became the source of his first published book. Upon completion of his undergraduate work John Paul and his wife, Wendy, moved to Spain where he worked with the nonviolent civil resistance movements that introduced him to many parts of Spain including the Basque Country. He served as a consultant and process designer in the development of workshops and conciliation processes with Basque political parties throughout the 1990s. He also provided training in conflict transformation and mediation for civil society organizations and universities. The academic and practice-based relationships John Paul began in the 1990s continue into the present. The resources in this section include books and interviews emergent from John Paul's experience and scholarship in mediation, reconciliation, and peacebuilding in the Spanish context.

Els anomenats pacifistes: La no-violencia al Estat Espanyol

John Paul's first authored book on the history of nonviolent activism in Spain.

Peacebuilding, critical yeast, and the language of imagination

A conversation about language, imagination, and how to cultivate peace and transform conflict in everyday life.

Transformación comunitaria y construcción de paz desde la actuación ética de los cuerpos policiales

A presentation at the III Congreso Iberoamericano de Mediación Policial de Vila-real held in Vila-real, Spain in March 2018.

Una altra seguretat és possible: Seguretat Humana versus (in)seguretat militar

A lecture delivered at the Conferències Curs d'Estiu of the Universitat Internacional de la Pau in July 2018.

La mediació com a estratègia de canvi social

A presentation given at the IX Jornada de Prevenció i Mediació Comunitària in Barceolona, Spain.

Què és la pau per John Paul Lederach?

A short clip of John Paul defining peace in contribution to the Càpsules de Pau archive of the Institut Català Internacional per la Pau.

Entrevista a John Paul Lederach por Xavier Garí de Barbarà

An interview in contribution to an oral history project of the International Catalan Institute for Peace to trace the history of the peace movement in Catalonia.