uri moral imagination program

"Inspired by the book The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace, the United Religions Initiative conducted a two year pilot project delving into the Moral Imagination approach to peacebuilding...The Moral Imagination approach to building peace captured the enthusiasm of people within URI because it reflected experiences of authentic peacebuilding activities and affirmed the value of these kinds of efforts for the entire URI global community. John Paul Lederach and Dr. Herm Weaver, educator and musician, served as primary project consultants and teachers...A core planning team, John Paul Lederach, Herm Weaver, Charles Gibbs, Libby Hoffman and Barbara Hartford, designed this initial project. A program spaced over two years was carefully planned in order to allow relationships to deepen naturally, to implement an action/reflection model where activities on the ground were part of the learning curriculum, and to give participants firsthand experiences in understanding different cultures and the unique challenges each team faced."

Emergent from the pilot program, URI published a booklet of action/reflection experiences and produced a video reflecting on the experience, accessible below.

Originally published by and shared with the permission of the United Religions Initiative. For other publication use, contact URI for permission.

Program Photos

Images of the URI Moral Imagination program group captured during retreats in California, Uganda, and India by Barbara Hartford and Sally Mahe.

Creative Beginnings: From the Moral Imagination Program

A collection of practices and facilitation ideas shared in the URI Moral Imagination Program. 

Faith Into Action: A Moral Imagination Conversation

A video emergent from the URI Moral Imagination program in which Libby Hoffman, Charles Gibbs, and John Paul discuss how the Moral Imagination supports URI practice and philosophy.

The Listening Exercise

An exercise to encourage reflection and practice of deep listening.

Writing Your Own Story

A creative exploration in storytelling and imagining a better future.

Autobiographical Haiku

A group poetry practice inviting participants to describe themselves at essence, perceiving unique qualities and strengths in new ways.

Morning Walks, Morning Pages

A group practice intended to help experience the deep beauty and wisdom of the natural world, and to listen deeply to the inner wisdom called forth by the natural world.