guest appearances

This section gathers the conversations John Paul has had as a guest on different podcasts across the years. These are podcast formatted conversations where John Paul serves a moderator, guest, or where a conversation or lecture has been recorded and released as a podcast. These conversations touch into a variety of topics, the most prominent of which are conflict transformation, peacebuilding, and facing toxic polarization.

Varela Symposium: Transforming Conflict – From Science to Real World Applications

John Paul's contributions to the Upaya Zen Center's Varela Symposium 2018, which explored the theme, "Transforming Conflict: From Science to Real World Applications."

Zen Brain: Mind, Brain, Social Perspectives of Views, Values, Ethics

John Paul's contributions to the Upaya Zen Center's Zen Brain conference in 2017, which explored the theme, "Mind, Brain, Social Perspectives of Views, Values, Ethics."

Mission Forward Podcast A Recipe for Cooling Down American Politics with Peacebuilder Dr. John Paul Lederach

John Paul shares insights about how ordinary people can take action to interrupt cycles of toxic polarization in their communities.

The Growing Edge Podcast Unexpected Hope in Improbable Actions

John Paul provides thoughtful, sometimes surprising ideas and advice on how to navigate, disrupt and mitigate the patterns that lead to deeper conflict, with attention to what is happening in contemporary U.S. politics.

The Corrymeela Podcast, Season 3, Episode 1. Prof. John Paul Lederach

John Paul joins Pádraig Ó Tuama to talk about pacifism, language, the power of circling, and the role of the arts in conflict transformation.

Poetry from the On Being Gathering

A poetry reading from John Paul of a series of haikus for the first On Being Gathering held at the 1440 Multiversity in Scotts Valley, CA.

The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A dharma talk shared with the Upaya Zen Center on the moral imagination and connectedness with self and other.

From Polarization to Healing

A conversation on The Growing Edge podcast about conflict dynamics and polarization in the United States and pathways to shift these escalating patterns.

¿Cómo superar la guerra en Colombia?

A interview discussing the Colombian peace accord, the challenges of implementation and possibilities it holds for the future.