
The presence of poetry has ebbed and flowed across John Paul's life. Having written poetry when he was younger, years of study and the pursuit of professionalism saw poetry writing fall by the wayside for two decades. It was in the presence of a former child-solider, a young poet rising, reciting an Eduardo Galeano poem in Nicaragua that John Paul let poetry back into his life. Since that moment, poetry for John Paul has flourished in both process and form as a source and expression of joy and awe, a vessel of questions and pain, a bridge between the personal and the universal. Much of his poetic practice centers around the traditional Japanese form of haiku, numerous of which feature in this gallery alongside poems gathered through personal and collective journeying into the indispensable, the regenerative, and the ineffable aspects of life.

The Year in Haiku

Poetry, photos, and reflections about the mystery and mindfulness of poetry emergent from a year-long experiment to write a haiku a day.

Listen for the Lone Cricket’s Song

A collection of poems gathered between late 2019 and throughout 2020.

She, Rose

A poem in memory of Kenyan peacebuilder Rose Barmasai.

An ‘Unfolding Poem’ for the Moment We’re In

A collection of haikus written during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Breathe Out Hope

The opening ceremony for the 2021 4 Corners Festival with poetic contributions from John Paul, Raquel McKee, Pádraig Ó Tuama, and Jonny Fitch.

Three Poems

Three poems written in the months following 11 September in the United States, Colombia, and Burma/Myanmar.


John Paul's translation of the Eduardo Galeano poem known as “Nosotros.”

Poetry from the On Being Gathering

A poetry reading from John Paul of a series of haikus for the first On Being Gathering held at the 1440 Multiversity in Scotts Valley, CA.