conflict transformation

John Paul began to use the term conflict transformation in the 1980s after intensive experience in Central America opened a deep examination of his own as well as the dominant metaphors and language of the field. Conflict transformation and constructive social change include, and go beyond, the resolution of specific problems. Conflict is normal in human relationships. Conflict is a motor of change. Transformation helps to focus the horizon toward which we journey - the building of healthy relationships and communities, both locally and globally. The content in this section considers conflict transformation as it has evolved and informed John Paul's practice in peacebuilding initiatives around the world.

Adam Curle: Radical Peacemaker

A book capturing Adam Curle's core contributions in an accessible, edited form, so that the breadth of his work can be introduced to new students.

El conflicto y la violencia: En busqueda de alternativas creativas – guia para facilitadores

El propósito de este libro es ofrecer una guía para ayudar a facilitadores a realizar seminarios donde habrá una búsqueda mutua de respuestas creativas a problemas reales de la comunidad, iglesia, grupo o familia.

Memoirs of Nepal: Reflections Across a Decade

Reflections gathered from a decade and more of work in Nepal, written for The McConnell Foundation and friends and partners in Nepal.

Reflective Peacebuilding: A Planning, Monitoring and Learning Toolkit

A toolkit intended to improve peacebuilders’ ability to be reflective practitioners which involves enhancing peacebuilders’ capacity to design and impact transformative change, and track and improve upon those changes over time in unpredictable conflict contexts.

The Little Book of Conflict Transformation: Clear Articulation of the Guiding Principles by a Pioneer in the Field

A clearly articulated statement offering a hopeful and workable approach to the transformation of conflict.

Preparing for Peace: Conflict Transformation Across Cultures

An exploration of prescriptive and elicitive methods of training and conflict work across cultures that places emphasis on the resources emergent from the context and setting of a given conflict. 

Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies

An exploration of the dynamics of contemporary conflict and presentation of an integrated framework for peacebuilding and the transformation of conflict.

Beyond Prescription: Perspectives on Conflict, Culture, and Training

A manuscript written for the Inter-racial and Cross-cultural Conflict Resolution Project at Conrad Grebel College's Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies.

Varela Symposium: Transforming Conflict – From Science to Real World Applications

John Paul's contributions to the Upaya Zen Center's Varela Symposium 2018, which explored the theme, "Transforming Conflict: From Science to Real World Applications."