
Starting with experiences in Central America in the 1980s, John Paul began to work closely with the thought and strategies of Latin American authors like Paolo Freire, Gustavo Gutierrez, and Orlando Fals Borda. These approaches articulated the basis of participatory action research and accompaniment of people often on the front lines of facing direct and structural violence. Accompaniment articulates the approach of leading from alongside the experiences, insights, and innovations of people with deep experience in their own context. These ideas became second nature in many of the books and writing over the years from Preparing for Peace to the engagements in Nepal 35 years later.

Let’s Talk About Culture: Reconcile Chapter 9 Finale

The final session of a book study of Reconcile, hosted through Let's Talk About Culture, in which John Paul features as a guest.

Peace & Jesus, Episode 23

A contribution to Peaceworks' series entitled “Peace & Jesus” in which John Paul shares about recent experiences alongside women and politicians working toward peace in Nepal.

John Paul Lederach Speaks at the Next Gen Peace Conference

A keynote speech at the 2016 Alliance for Peacebuilding Conference reflecting on accompaniment of peacebuilding and conflict transformation in Nepal across a decade.

20 Minute Break with John Paul Lederach

A message shared with the Rotary Peace Fellowship Alumni Association for the Global Cyber Peace Conference in July 2020.

A Pathway to Peace: Ideas for Advancing Climate-Resilient Futures

The second episode in "The Day After Tomorrow: A Virtual Talk Story Series," hosted by the Institute for Climate and Peace.

The Great Conversation

An address at Hesston College's 2016 Homecoming Forum sharing three key important practices in approaching conversation across difference.

Thoughts on a Penny: Challenges to Creative Conflict in the Public Square

A lecture presented for the 26th Annual Lynch Lecture at the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution.