arts-inspired peacebuilding

Emergent from the practice and life-vocation of peacebuilding and the pursuit of nonviolent social transformation, change agents need to envision themselves as artists. Building adaptive and responsive processes to accompany and facilitate social change requires a creative act, which at its core is more art than technique. Time and again, lasting social change that makes a difference has the DNA of the artist's intuition: The complexity of human experience captured in a simple image and in a way that moves individuals and whole societies. Far beyond the instrumental use of arts, peacebuilding unfolds as an artistic and aesthetic process. In this section, the archives explore the evolution and examples of John Paul's understanding and practice of arts-inspired peacebuilding.

For Our Healing

A preface discussing the challenges of healing in the aftermath of violence and the need for authenticity of approach that respects each individual while recognizing several important guideposts common to all.

Peacebuilding, critical yeast, and the language of imagination

A conversation about language, imagination, and how to cultivate peace and transform conflict in everyday life.

The Growing Edge Podcast Unexpected Hope in Improbable Actions

John Paul provides thoughtful, sometimes surprising ideas and advice on how to navigate, disrupt and mitigate the patterns that lead to deeper conflict, with attention to what is happening in contemporary U.S. politics.

The Corrymeela Podcast, Season 3, Episode 1. Prof. John Paul Lederach

John Paul joins Pádraig Ó Tuama to talk about pacifism, language, the power of circling, and the role of the arts in conflict transformation.

La paz resiliente

An interview for the radio station Javeriana Estéreo on the topics of resilience, creativity, and reconciliation in the context of Colombia.

Keynote Speech by Prof. John Paul Lederach

A keynote delivered for IMPACT’s inaugural event in which John Paul shares lessons on sustainability, relationship, and hope as foundational to building peace.

Gathering of the Hearts: Braiding Our Ways of Being

An open conversation and experience about facing the challenges of environmental violence and justice from diverse traditions, knowledge carriers, and forms of engagement.

The Poetics of Building Peace

A speaking notes for a speech that explores the relationship between the practices of poetry and peacebuilding shared at Bethany Theological Seminary in March 2009.

The Challenges of Peace and Conflict Situation in Thailand and Southeast Asia

A presentation shared for the Virtual U.S. Speaker Program on Peace and Conflict Issues hosted by the Institute of Peace Studies at Prince of Songkhla University.