arts-inspired peacebuilding

Emergent from the practice and life-vocation of peacebuilding and the pursuit of nonviolent social transformation, change agents need to envision themselves as artists. Building adaptive and responsive processes to accompany and facilitate social change requires a creative act, which at its core is more art than technique. Time and again, lasting social change that makes a difference has the DNA of the artist's intuition: The complexity of human experience captured in a simple image and in a way that moves individuals and whole societies. Far beyond the instrumental use of arts, peacebuilding unfolds as an artistic and aesthetic process. In this section, the archives explore the evolution and examples of John Paul's understanding and practice of arts-inspired peacebuilding.

The Poetics of Building Peace

A speaking notes for a speech that explores the relationship between the practices of poetry and peacebuilding shared at Bethany Theological Seminary in March 2009.

The Challenges of Peace and Conflict Situation in Thailand and Southeast Asia

A presentation shared for the Virtual U.S. Speaker Program on Peace and Conflict Issues hosted by the Institute of Peace Studies at Prince of Songkhla University.

Art and Peacebuilding: Dwelling at the Hearth

A keynote delivered at the virtual Art in the Place of Conflict conference, organized by the Derry Playhouse in Northern Ireland.

Sustaining Peace: Concluding Thoughts

A concluding keynote address delivered at the Building Sustainable Peace Conference, hosted by the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame.

The Art and Soul of Civil Leadership: Democracy that Delivers

A keynote address delivered at The Transformative Mosaic Conference, organized by Mediation Northern Ireland in 2011.

The Art of Peace

A conversation with Krista Tippett exploring themes of the moral imagination, arts-inspired peacebuilding, and music and poetry in healing and reconciliation.

The Ingredients of Social Courage

A conversation with Krista Tippett and America Ferrera at the inaugural On Being Gathering, exploring the ingredients of social courage and how change really happens in generational time.

John Paul Lederach Heals Social Wounds

An interview by Cameron Elliot for the magazine Dumbo Feather.