conflict transformation

John Paul began to use the term conflict transformation in the 1980s after intensive experience in Central America opened a deep examination of his own as well as the dominant metaphors and language of the field. Conflict transformation and constructive social change include, and go beyond, the resolution of specific problems. Conflict is normal in human relationships. Conflict is a motor of change. Transformation helps to focus the horizon toward which we journey - the building of healthy relationships and communities, both locally and globally. The content in this section considers conflict transformation as it has evolved and informed John Paul's practice in peacebuilding initiatives around the world.

The Wow Factor and a Non-Theory of Change

A thought piece that explores positive approaches to peacebuilding as a composite moment in which the creative process lifts sight to a new, more holistic view.

Making Our Way Back to Humanity: Beyond September 11

A chapter reflecting on the significance and impact of the events of September 11, 2001, for the world of peacebuilding a year after they transpired.

Civil Society and Reconciliation

An overview of how to build civil society and reconciliation in post-accord settings where protracted conflicted has created deep animosities and divisions.

Justpeace: The Challenge of the 21st Century

A chapter exploring gaps in peacebuilding practice in the 21st Century and advocating for the development of an adequate language appropriate to the hopes held in the endeavor of building peace.

Conflict Transformation: The Case for Peace Advocacy

A chapter that advances an orientation to peacemaking termed peace advocacy, which emphasizes a trust-based approach undertaking with a long-term commitment and based on the development of relationships.

Conflict Transformation in Protracted Internal Conflicts: The Case for a Comprehensive Framework

A chapter that outlines a comprehensive framework for conflict transformation in protracted, internal conflicts.

Peacebuilding, critical yeast, and the language of imagination

A conversation about language, imagination, and how to cultivate peace and transform conflict in everyday life.

Want to be Resilient? Build Local, Build Now

An episode of the “Reimagining Us” podcast exploring the challenges of isolation and division facing communities in the U.S., and the power rebuilding of trusting relationships to build individual and collective resilience to crisis.

Starting Point for Implementing Large-Scale Social Change

In a podcast hosted by Rational Games, John Paul and Mark Young dive deep into the transformative power of negotiation, peacebuilding, and social change.