faith-inspired peacebuilding

John Paul's work as a peacebuilding professional and academic has formative spiritual roots from his upbringing in the Mennonite tradition, found determinative mentorship with Quaker peacemakers, and deepened his contemplative impulses through significant Buddhist relationships. Faith-inspired peacebuilding, as he has come to understand it, exists at the convergence of spirituality and creativity. His engagement opens into the rich and complex pathways of religion, conflict, and interreligious peacebuilding. Faith-inspired has an inclusive quality, suggesting respectful engagement of diverse formative roots and the unfolding potential for creativity. The content in this section ranges from descriptions of religiously based initiatives to reflections into his own spiritual practices.

Foreword, Disarmed

The foreword to a biography about Mennonite peacebuilder Michael "MJ" Sharp.

Foreword, Discovering Forgiveness

The foreword to Discovering Forgiveness, a stream of stories that create a deep grounding in both the potential and the complexity of how forgiveness emerges and finds expression.

Foreword, Satyagraha and Nonresistance

The foreword to Satyagraha and Nonresistance, which explores tensions and resonances between the Anabaptist notion of nonresistance and Gandhian views of nonviolence.

Foreword, Practicing the Politics of Jesus

A foreword penned for Earl Zimmerman's book Practicing the Politics of Jesus: The Origin and Significance of John Howard Yoder’s Social Ethics.