inner works

Dominant peacebuilding preparation and practice focus on professional development and skill-oriented training and analysis. Much less attention is provided to the inner side of the practice – the cultivation of healthy personhood, the nurturing of care for self, the practices and habits that sustain and nourish wells of compassion, joy, and healing. These practices are what John Paul has come to call the 'inner works' of peacebuilding. Inner works create the spaces where people can explore and be in touch with their own sense of vocation and purpose, however that may look or feel for each person. This section follows the pathways and expressions of the inner works of peacebuilding from John Paul's experience and learning with colleagues in situations of protracted conflict around the world.

The Pocket Guide for Facing Down a Civil War: Surprising ideas from everyday people who shifted the cycles of violence

A collection of stories, reflections, and wisdom offering insight into the challenge of facing down toxic polarization layered with violence and the surprising ways everyday people found to shift harmful patterns of violence that had lasted decades. 

The Year in Haiku

Poetry, photos, and reflections about the mystery and mindfulness of poetry emergent from a year-long experiment to write a haiku a day.

Into the Eye of the Storm: A Handbook of International Peacebuilding

A gathering of contributions from international peacebuilding and conflict resolution professionals offering a wide array of guidelines, pragmatic approaches, and models of constructive, culturally appropriate ways to approach to conflict.

Adam Curle: Radical Peacemaker

A book capturing Adam Curle's core contributions in an accessible, edited form, so that the breadth of his work can be introduced to new students.

Listen for the Lone Cricket’s Song

A collection of poems gathered between late 2019 and throughout 2020.

Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians

A book containing practical ideas for transforming conflict in everyday life with a challenge to Christians to renew their commitment to reconciliation as the heart of the gospel message.

When Blood and Bones Cry Out: Journeys Through the Soundscape of Healing and Reconciliation

Through circular, dynamic, and non-linear metaphors, this book offers a promising new approach to healing for communities impacted by conflict, violence, and trauma.

The Poetic Unfolding of the Human Spirit

A travelogue reflecting on what it means to be fully engaged in the world.

The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A book weaving thoughts and insights about the nature, challenges, and possibilities of constructive social change.