
Formally trained as a mediator, John Paul has participated in and facilitated a wide range of mediation processes. Over time, he found the dominant terminology and associated imagery did not match his experience or many of the practices innovated in settings of violent, protracted conflict. Professional mediation tends to build around formalized processes of impartial and neutral facilitation. Long-term constructive social change in settings of violent conflict requires committed relationships and the nurturing of a social mediative capacity. Often captured in the term ‘accompaniment,’ this approach requires creativity in the evolution of a wider range of roles. The content in this section spans the evolution of John Paul's practice and understanding of mediation, particularly between the late 1980s to the early 2000s, shaped by his early experiences in international high-level mediation and transformative learnings from local mediative processes in Central America.

Caminos y conversaciones de cuatro décadas

Conferencia de John Paul Lederach, con comentarios y reflexiones de Gastón Aín y Francisco Diez, en el marco del III Congreso Americano de Mediación, organizado por Fundación Mediar.

Transformación comunitaria y construcción de paz desde la actuación ética de los cuerpos policiales

A presentation at the III Congreso Iberoamericano de Mediación Policial de Vila-real held in Vila-real, Spain in March 2018.

John Paul Lederach Speaks at the Next Gen Peace Conference

A keynote speech at the 2016 Alliance for Peacebuilding Conference reflecting on accompaniment of peacebuilding and conflict transformation in Nepal across a decade.

La mediació com a estratègia de canvi social

A presentation given at the IX Jornada de Prevenció i Mediació Comunitària in Barceolona, Spain.

Transformación de Conflictos, Diálogo y Mediación

A master lecture delivered at the XI Congreso Mundial de Mediación y I Congreso Nacional para la Construcción de la Paz held in Lima, Perú in September 2015.

Entrevista a John Paul Lederach por Rolando Luque Mogrovejo

An interview by Rolando Luque Mogrovejo on the occasion of the XI Congreso Mundial de Mediación y I Congreso Nacional para la Construcción de la Paz held in Lima, Perú in September 2015.

The Mediators: Views from the Eye of the Storm Vol. 1

An interview with Robert D. Benjamin for the film "The Mediators: Views from the Eye of the Storm" in which John Paul discusses formative and professional experiences from Belgium, the United States, and Central America.