
Formally trained as a mediator, John Paul has participated in and facilitated a wide range of mediation processes. Over time, he found the dominant terminology and associated imagery did not match his experience or many of the practices innovated in settings of violent, protracted conflict. Professional mediation tends to build around formalized processes of impartial and neutral facilitation. Long-term constructive social change in settings of violent conflict requires committed relationships and the nurturing of a social mediative capacity. Often captured in the term ‘accompaniment,’ this approach requires creativity in the evolution of a wider range of roles. The content in this section spans the evolution of John Paul's practice and understanding of mediation, particularly between the late 1980s to the early 2000s, shaped by his early experiences in international high-level mediation and transformative learnings from local mediative processes in Central America.

Reframing a Conflict

A diagram illustrating the process of reframing a conflict to arrive toward solutions that hold potential to meet all concerns.

Healthy Expressions of Conflict in Group Settings

A brief explanation of four essential elements for the healthy public expression of conflict.

Continuum of Cultural Expectations

A chart illustrating cultural expectations across stages of mediation along a spectrum from "pure formal" to "pure informal."

The Mediator’s Cultural Assumptions

A brief article clarifying how North American definitions of mediation may produce crucial points of tension when directly exported to other cultures, as well as suggesting factors for mediators to consider when moving between different cultural settings.

Understanding Conflict: Experience, Structure and Dynamics

Guide posts for conflict managers to understand key aspects of the experience, structure, and dynamics of conflict.

Perspectives for Assessing and Working with Power

A brief exploration into the perspectives of mutual dependence and currencies as ways to understand power, as well as considerations mediators can use to balance power.

Foreword, The Bernal Story

A foreword written for The Bernal Story, a firsthand account of the transformation of a community conflict in the Bernal Heights neighborhood of San Francisco, California.

Local Mediation: A Transformative Approach to Conflict in Nepal

An article describing the emergence and transformative impact of a community mediation program in Nepal.