moral imagination

The phrase 'the moral imagination' emerged in John Paul's writing and speaking following the events of September 11, 2001. In his reflections, he explores the moral imagination as the capacity to imagine something rooted in the challenges of the real world yet capable of giving birth to that which does not yet exist. In reference to peacebuilding, this includes the capacity to imagine and generate constructive responses and initiatives that, while rooted in the day-to-day challenges of violence, transcend and ultimately break the grips of those destructive patterns and cycles. The content in this section comprises reflection on and application of the moral imagination as a collection of individual and collective capacities that together can help guide the epic journey of the pursuit of peacebuilding.

The Moral Imagination

A video interview with Robert Wright for The Wright Show, a production of

Mysticism, New Physics, and Peacebuilding: Towards a New Spirituality on the Field

An interview by Yago Abeledo exploring numerous themes relevant to John Paul's inner process in the field of peacebuilding.

Integration: What is the Value-Added of Peacebuilding

A short description of the contribution of peacebuilding frameworks, lenses, skills, and imaginative potential in different contexts.

Beyond Prayer: The Imperative of Moral Imagination

Lessons from experience as a conciliator working with religious leaders in settings of violent conflict, shedding light on the post-9/11 debate around if religion can be a source to stop cycles of violence.

How Does Humanity Unite?

Thoughts about the challenge of to all of us as leaders when we live in settings of social fragmentation and at the same time are committed to pursue justice and healing in our relationships.

A Wish For The Future

An article imagining a courageous alternative to the then pending U.S. war with Iraq.

Summary 1 of The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A summary of the book, The Moral Imagination, which draws forth and describes the essence of each chapter.