
From early on in John Paul's writing, reconciliation offered both a challenge and an orienting touch stone. Shaped by participation and accompaniment of deeply challenging reconciliation processes, he sought to understand the dynamic weave between the social energies of truth, mercy, justice, and peace, and how to nurture the pathways of social healing, repair, and restoration. Central guiding metaphors have included the notion of the horizon of reconciliation, requiring a relationship-centered approach to change that involves committed engagement, encounter, and humility. The content of this section offers a window into John Paul's ongoing exploration around the challenges of reconciliation and the practice of peacebuilding.

The Physics of Voice and Resonation

Ten ideas about reconciliation rising from the Tibetan singing bowl.

Pacifism in Contemporary Conflict: A Christian Perspective

A commissioned paper articulating a Christian pacifist perspective on nonviolent approaches to contemporary conflict.

The Challenge of Peacebuilding for Ex-Prisoners and Ex-Combatants

A conference paper that shares key themes about the challenges of building peace and the role and challenges in particular for ex-prisoners and ex-combatants in settings of protracted conflict.

Truth and Mercy, Justice and Peace

An excerpt from the book Building Peace about the emergence of understanding reconciliation as a focus and a locus in the transformation of conflict.

Foreword, Discovering Forgiveness

The foreword to Discovering Forgiveness, a stream of stories that create a deep grounding in both the potential and the complexity of how forgiveness emerges and finds expression.