whole system approach

Social change processes are predicated on a holistic understanding of the dynamic relational patterns that give rise to conflict. It is through a whole system approach that the full scope of interdependent relationships can be grasped and the simplicity on the far side of complexity can be discerned. For this, two habits are key: stillness and visiblizing. While not always referencing the technical language, John Paul has long embraced a systems approach. His understanding and integration of this approach for peacebuilding has many sources, notably spiders, entomologists, and poetry, with the language and frameworks of systems theory a more recent feature in his reflections. The content in this section features iterations of the application of a whole system approach in John Paul's reflections and practice across a range of contexts.

Gathering of the Hearts: Braiding Our Ways of Being

An open conversation and experience about facing the challenges of environmental violence and justice from diverse traditions, knowledge carriers, and forms of engagement.

The Challenges of Peace and Conflict Situation in Thailand and Southeast Asia

A presentation shared for the Virtual U.S. Speaker Program on Peace and Conflict Issues hosted by the Institute of Peace Studies at Prince of Songkhla University.

Ponencia de John Paul Lederach

A lectured delivered for a conference entitled, “Desarme integral en América Latina y el Caribe,” organized by the Alianza por el Desarme.

Marcos de análisis y de acción para la construcción de paz fuera de contextos bélicos

Contributions to Institut Català International per la Pau’s inaugural conference entitled “Hacer frente a las violencias desde la construcción de paz.”

Cómo funciona y cuáles son los riesgos de la polarización

Con miras a las elecciones de 2022 en Colombia, el experto en construcción de paz John Paul Lederach analiza los riesgos de la polarización en el país.

Special Conversation: Building Peace in Divided Societies

A special conversation in contribution to the 2021 Korea Global Forum for Peace Education, themed 'Peace Education in Divided Societies.'

Lecciones y Aprendizajes

Lessons and learnings from a lifetime of peacebuilding shared in a seminar with students for the Fundación Ideas para la Paz in Bogotá, Colombia.

Construcción de paz: diálogo para el desarrollo sostenible

Remarks delivered in contribution to a panel on diálogo para el desarrollo sostenible at the XIV Congreso Mundial de Mediación y Cultura de Paz.

En Clave de Cambio

Remarks given at the II Congreso Internacional de Construcción de Paz y Género en el Servicio de Policía in November 2020.