whole system approach

Social change processes are predicated on a holistic understanding of the dynamic relational patterns that give rise to conflict. It is through a whole system approach that the full scope of interdependent relationships can be grasped and the simplicity on the far side of complexity can be discerned. For this, two habits are key: stillness and visiblizing. While not always referencing the technical language, John Paul has long embraced a systems approach. His understanding and integration of this approach for peacebuilding has many sources, notably spiders, entomologists, and poetry, with the language and frameworks of systems theory a more recent feature in his reflections. The content in this section features iterations of the application of a whole system approach in John Paul's reflections and practice across a range of contexts.

Memoirs of Nepal: Reflections Across a Decade

Reflections gathered from a decade and more of work in Nepal, written for The McConnell Foundation and friends and partners in Nepal.

The Poetic Unfolding of the Human Spirit

A travelogue reflecting on what it means to be fully engaged in the world.

The Little Book of Conflict Transformation: Clear Articulation of the Guiding Principles by a Pioneer in the Field

A clearly articulated statement offering a hopeful and workable approach to the transformation of conflict.

The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A book weaving thoughts and insights about the nature, challenges, and possibilities of constructive social change.

Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies

An exploration of the dynamics of contemporary conflict and presentation of an integrated framework for peacebuilding and the transformation of conflict.

Zen Brain: Mind, Brain, Social Perspectives of Views, Values, Ethics

John Paul's contributions to the Upaya Zen Center's Zen Brain conference in 2017, which explored the theme, "Mind, Brain, Social Perspectives of Views, Values, Ethics."

Practicing Peace: Psychological Roots of Transforming Conflicts

An article that links psychosocial theories with the social energies of reconciliation, then applies this framework to the case of Guatemala, emphasizing the value of linking the literatures of peace psychology and conflict transformation.

Addressing terrorism: A theory of change approach

A chapter examining isolation and engagement strategies of responding to violent conflict and terrorism, assessing their potential effectiveness through their respective theories of change.

The Role of Corporate Actors in Peacebuilding Processes: Opportunities and Challenges

A chapter that considers how a greater connection between actors in peace and the business and commerce sector may redress the vertical, interdependence, and justice gaps found in peacebuilding.