Defining Conflict Transformation

An elaborated definition of conflict transformation through the metaphor of a person on a journey, excerpted from The Little Book of Conflict Transformation.

Resolution and Transformation Perspective Comparison

A chart comparing the perspectives of conflict resolution and conflict transformation on various aspects of conflict analysis.

Understanding Conflict: Experience, Structure and Dynamics

Guide posts for conflict managers to understand key aspects of the experience, structure, and dynamics of conflict.

Social Transformation of Conflict

A diagram illustrating the process and dynamics that unfold as social conflict escalates, shifting from constructive to destructive.

Foreword, The Bernal Story

A foreword written for The Bernal Story, a firsthand account of the transformation of a community conflict in the Bernal Heights neighborhood of San Francisco, California.

Foreword, The Technology of Nonviolence

The foreword to The Technology of Nonviolence, which offers a creative and innovative exploration into the theory and practice of violence prevention.

Conflict Transformation

An abridged version of the book, The Little Book of Conflict Transformation.