In Conversation with Toni Shapiro-Phim

An interview with Toni Shapiro-Phim on the occasion of John Paul's receipt of the Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize at Brandeis University.

Mysticism, New Physics, and Peacebuilding: Towards a New Spirituality on the Field

An interview by Yago Abeledo exploring numerous themes relevant to John Paul's inner process in the field of peacebuilding.

The Listening Exercise

An exercise to encourage reflection and practice of deep listening.

Columbine Conversations from a Daughter and Father

An article written in the aftermath of the Columbine shooting by John Paul and his daughter, Angie.

Unmasking Evil: Religiously Motivated Peacebuilding and the Challenge of Terror

A draft paper written for presentation at the First Annual Catholic Peacebuilding Network Conference held in 2004.