Resiliency and Healthy Communities: An Exploration of Image and Metaphor

A contribution to a report on Community Resiliency that explores the ways we organize our thinking around the concepts of "health" and "community" through metaphor and professional experience in the fields of peacebuilding and conflict transformation.

Hope and Liberation

John Paul shares a story and reflections from his experience accompanying a conflict transformation movement in Nepal with Duke Divinity School's Summer Institute for Reconciliation.

Narratives of Care: The Social Echo of Community Transformation

A lecture presented at the conference, "Conversations on Attachment: Integrating the Science of Love and Spirituality," in which John Paul explores the nexus of conflict transformation, reconciliation, and attachment theory through the metaphors of sound and circularity.

UNLV Lecture The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A contribution to the Peace in the Desert Lecture Series of the Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

The Third Shift: The Long Journey to Unite Humanity

A speech delivered upon John Paul’s receipt of the Niwano Peace Prize in 2019.

Developing the Capacity to Birth Something New

An interview in contribution to the Leadership Conference of Women Religious Winter 2020 issue of Occasion Papers entitled Leading with the Moral Imagination.

The Origins and Evolution of Infrastructures for Peace: A Personal Reflection

At article reflecting on the emergence and evolution of infrastructures for peace as a core ingredient of a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding.

‘Reconcile’: Interview with Peace Activist John Paul Lederach

An interview by Christian Piatt about the book, Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians.

Mysticism, New Physics, and Peacebuilding: Towards a New Spirituality on the Field

An interview by Yago Abeledo exploring numerous themes relevant to John Paul's inner process in the field of peacebuilding.