The Meeting Place (Draft in Progress, Chapter 8, The Journey Toward Reconciliation)

A draft of a chapter that explores through story the social energies of reconciliation, namely Truth, Justice, Mercy, and Peace.

Let’s Talk About Culture: Reconcile Chapter 9 Finale

The final session of a book study of Reconcile, hosted through Let's Talk About Culture, in which John Paul features as a guest.

Moral Imagination: A Journey of Practical Conflict Transformation

A lecture delivered at Regis University in 2008 based on the book The Moral Imagination.

UNLV Lecture The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A contribution to the Peace in the Desert Lecture Series of the Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

The Art of Peace

A conversation with Krista Tippett exploring themes of the moral imagination, arts-inspired peacebuilding, and music and poetry in healing and reconciliation.

Missionaries Facing Conflict and Violence: Problems and Prospects

A chapter exploring the challenges of missionaries facing situations of violence and conflict, the paradox of being faithful and being human.

“In Conversation”: John Paul and Gladys Ganiel

A conversation at the 2021 4 Corners Festival reflecting on peacebuilding and conflict transformation through John Paul's career past and present.

In Conversation with Toni Shapiro-Phim

An interview with Toni Shapiro-Phim on the occasion of John Paul's receipt of the Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize at Brandeis University.

The Place Called Reconciliation

A visual of reconciliation as a meeting place of four social energies in conflict and peacebuilding - Truth, Justice, Mercy, and Peace.