Conflict Transformation: The Case for Peace Advocacy

A chapter that advances an orientation to peacemaking termed peace advocacy, which emphasizes a trust-based approach undertaking with a long-term commitment and based on the development of relationships.

Conflict Transformation in Protracted Internal Conflicts: The Case for a Comprehensive Framework

A chapter that outlines a comprehensive framework for conflict transformation in protracted, internal conflicts.

Resiliency and Healthy Communities: An Exploration of Image and Metaphor

A contribution to a report on Community Resiliency that explores the ways we organize our thinking around the concepts of "health" and "community" through metaphor and professional experience in the fields of peacebuilding and conflict transformation.

Let Us Talk: African Contributions to Peacebuilding

A chapter highlighting contributions to the practice of grassroots peacebuilding from Somalia and Liberia.

From table to termites: A conversation with Mennonite peacebuilder John Paul Lederach

A excerpts from a conversation discussing contemporary Mennonite peace witness with Sarah and Jonathan Nahar.

Practicing Compassion in Churchwide Disagreements

Observations and thoughts emergent from a request from the Mountain States Mennonite Conference as they considered the request to ordain a pastor in a same-sex relationship.

Can Myanmar’s peace process learn from international experience?

An explanation of common patterns, pitfalls, and priorities emergent from peace agreements applied to the context of Myanmar's peace process.

Breaking the Cycle of Violence

An article exploring the nature of the challenge faced by the U.S. and the world following the attacks of 11 September and suggestions for responses to break generational cycles of violence.

The Intervention in Somalia: What Should Have Happened

An interview with Joe Stork on the U.S. military intervention into Somalia and alternative avenues to provide assistance.