Conflict Transformation in Protracted Internal Conflicts: The Case for a Comprehensive Framework

A chapter that outlines a comprehensive framework for conflict transformation in protracted, internal conflicts.

Of Nets, Nails, and Problems: The Folk Language of Conflict Resolution in a Central American Setting

A book chapter adaptation of John Paul's doctoral dissertation on indigenous understandings of conflict processes rooted in language and culture.

The Intervention in Somalia: What Should Have Happened

An interview with Joe Stork on the U.S. military intervention into Somalia and alternative avenues to provide assistance.

The Origins and Evolution of Infrastructures for Peace: A Personal Reflection

At article reflecting on the emergence and evolution of infrastructures for peace as a core ingredient of a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding.

Fostering Culturally Responsive Courts: The Case of Family Dispute Resolutions for Latinos

An article focusing on how mediation services can be improved to better reflect the culture-based needs and expectations of Latino litigants.

Nested Paradigm: The Time Dimension in Peacebuilding

A diagram proposing a nested paradigm for understanding and envisioning time frames for sustainable transformation.

A Working Matrix for Developing an Infrastructure for Peacebuilding

A working infrastructure matrix that outlines four categories of inquiry to guide the development of a more comprehensive approach to peacebuilding.

An Integrated Framework for Peacebuilding

A diagram illustrating an integrated approach to peacebuilding, linking together structural and procedural lenses.

“Yes, But Are They Talking?”: Some Thoughts on the Trainer as Student

Reflections emergent from cross-cultural conflict and mediation training in Latin America.