Listen for the Lone Cricket’s Song

A collection of poems gathered between late 2019 and throughout 2020.

Peacebuilding: A Caritas Training Manual

A training of trainers manual to support NGO workers engaging in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and reconciliation initiatives.

Advent Manifesto: Does my soul still sing?

A collection of one hundred thoughts, Advent reflections.

The Peace Professor

An article offering a glimpse into John Paul's practice of peacebuilding in La Pedregosa, Colombia.

Facing the Oka Crisis: A Conflict Resolution Perspective

Observations and suggestions for how the Oka Crisis might be understood emergent from the Autumn 1990 armed standoff between Mohawks and the Quebec and Canadian governments.

Civil Society and Reconciliation

An overview of how to build civil society and reconciliation in post-accord settings where protracted conflicted has created deep animosities and divisions.

Journey from Resolution to Transformative Peacebuilding

A chapter reflecting on three specific experiences that marked important evolutions in John Paul's thinking and practice.

Beyond Violence: Building Sustainable Peace

A published chapter of John Paul's remarks at the Beyond Violence Conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland in November 1994.

Becoming the Enemy

Stories and reflections woven in the development of a practical theology of the enemy.