Peacebuilding: A Caritas Training Manual

A training of trainers manual to support NGO workers engaging in peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and reconciliation initiatives.

Spirituality and Religious Peacebuilding

A chapter exploring the meaning of quality of presence rising from spiritual resources that facilitate the practice of religious peacebuilding in protracted conflict.

Launching a Career in Peacebuilding

A chapter sharing reflections on key elements for creating a learning environment where transformation is possible.

The Wow Factor and a Non-Theory of Change

A thought piece that explores positive approaches to peacebuilding as a composite moment in which the creative process lifts sight to a new, more holistic view.

The Heart of Reconciliation: A Conversation with John Paul Lederach

A conversation that explores John Paul's work, dynamics of conflict in congregational and church settings, and the centrality of reconciliation to the Christian life.

Special Conversation: Building Peace in Divided Societies

A special conversation in contribution to the 2021 Korea Global Forum for Peace Education, themed 'Peace Education in Divided Societies.'

ACR Conference Keynote The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A keynote address delivered at the Fourth Annual Conference of the Association of Conflict Resolution.

Giving Birth to the Unexpected

An article sharing lessons from settings of protracted conflict and suggestions for how to respond creatively and strategically to the attacks of 11 September.

Breaking the Cycle of Violence

An article exploring the nature of the challenge faced by the U.S. and the world following the attacks of 11 September and suggestions for responses to break generational cycles of violence.