From table to termites: A conversation with Mennonite peacebuilder John Paul Lederach

A excerpts from a conversation discussing contemporary Mennonite peace witness with Sarah and Jonathan Nahar.

Conflict Transformation: A Circular Journey with a Purpose

An abbreviated summary of The Little Book of Conflict Transformation.

A Working Matrix for Developing an Infrastructure for Peacebuilding

A working infrastructure matrix that outlines four categories of inquiry to guide the development of a more comprehensive approach to peacebuilding.

Strategic and Responsive Tools for Evaluation

A set of tools to integrate strategic and responsive components of evaluation for peacebuilding initiatives.

Understanding Conflict

A description of two mutually influential and connect levels of conflict: content and relationship.

The Big Picture of Conflict Transformation

A diagram representing the circular process of conflict transformation through inquiry around the presenting situation, horizon of the future, and development of change processes.

Framework for Analyzing Conflict

A guideline of questions to support in conflict analysis with a focus on people, process, and problem, three major aspects of conflict.

Conflict Management in the Church: A Review of the Literature

An overview and analysis of the literature aimed at the study of conflict management in the Church.

Continuum of Cultural Expectations

A chart illustrating cultural expectations across stages of mediation along a spectrum from "pure formal" to "pure informal."