Peacebuilding Platform for Apprenticeship: A few ideas about an initiative for mentorship

An early draft sketching ideas for what eventually became the Apprenticeship Program.

Apprenticeship Program Final Report

The body of a the final report for the Fetzer Institute at the conclusion of the Apprenticeship Program.

Poetic Listening

A version of the practice of poetic listening - listening for moments when a person speaks that touches something fairly deep about their understanding.

Foreword, Experiential Peacebuilding

The foreword to the book Experiential Peacebuilding, emergent from Outward Bound Peacebuilding's theory, practice, and experience.

Foreword, Practicing the Politics of Jesus

A foreword penned for Earl Zimmerman's book Practicing the Politics of Jesus: The Origin and Significance of John Howard Yoder’s Social Ethics.

Conflict Transformation

An abridged version of the book, The Little Book of Conflict Transformation.