The Mystery of Transformative Times and Space: Exploring a Theology of Grassroots Peacebuilding

A chapter exploring how space is articulated, defined, and redefined by people engaging in grassroots peacebuilding as a response to context-specific situations.

The Doables: Just Policing on the Ground

The concluding chapter to the book Just Policing, Not War that considers practices and strategies for just policing and human security that are available, accessible, and acceptable.

Creative Beginnings: From the Moral Imagination Program

A collection of practices and facilitation ideas shared in the URI Moral Imagination Program. 

Peace & Jesus, Episode 23

A contribution to Peaceworks' series entitled “Peace & Jesus” in which John Paul shares about recent experiences alongside women and politicians working toward peace in Nepal.

John Paul Lederach Speaks at the Next Gen Peace Conference

A keynote speech at the 2016 Alliance for Peacebuilding Conference reflecting on accompaniment of peacebuilding and conflict transformation in Nepal across a decade.

Teacher Spider and the Golden Thread

A dharma talk shared with the Upaya Zen Center community in March 2020 for the Socially Engaged Buddhist Training.

How Weird Friends Change the World

A dharma talk shared at the Upaya Zen Center discussing creating friendships across ideological divides and differences.

Thoughts on a Penny: Challenges to Creative Conflict in the Public Square

A lecture presented for the 26th Annual Lynch Lecture at the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution.

Moral Imagination: A Journey of Practical Conflict Transformation

A lecture delivered at Regis University in 2008 based on the book The Moral Imagination.