The Art of Peace

A conversation with Krista Tippett exploring themes of the moral imagination, arts-inspired peacebuilding, and music and poetry in healing and reconciliation.

Making Space for Peace: John Paul Lederach on Mediation

An interview by Amy Frykholm for The Christian Century on topics including mediation, funding, and spiritual sustenance.

The Dynamic Interdependencies of Practice and Scholarship

An editorial exploring the dynamic feedback between scholarship and practice in the peace studies field, interdependencies that provide the foundation for conflict engagement and challenge existing understandings and approaches.

The Origins and Evolution of Infrastructures for Peace: A Personal Reflection

At article reflecting on the emergence and evolution of infrastructures for peace as a core ingredient of a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding.

Defining Conflict Transformation

An elaborated definition of conflict transformation through the metaphor of a person on a journey, excerpted from The Little Book of Conflict Transformation.

Fostering Culturally Responsive Courts: The Case of Family Dispute Resolutions for Latinos

An article focusing on how mediation services can be improved to better reflect the culture-based needs and expectations of Latino litigants.

Mediating Conflict in Central America

A study focusing on how mediation has been used in conflict management within Nicaragua with particular reference to the Esquipulas peace process.

“In Conversation”: John Paul and Gladys Ganiel

A conversation at the 2021 4 Corners Festival reflecting on peacebuilding and conflict transformation through John Paul's career past and present.

In Conversation with Toni Shapiro-Phim

An interview with Toni Shapiro-Phim on the occasion of John Paul's receipt of the Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize at Brandeis University.