Apprenticeship Program Final Report

The body of a the final report for the Fetzer Institute at the conclusion of the Apprenticeship Program.

YATAMA-Sandinista Mediation: Twelve Things I Have Learned

Twelve reflections gathered through the experience of mediating between YATAMA and the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.

Columbine Conversations from a Daughter and Father

An article written in the aftermath of the Columbine shooting by John Paul and his daughter, Angie.

10 Lessons Learned Wandering in Peacebuilding

A top ten list of things that the international arena, especially the many settings of struggling with protracted and violent conflict, has taught John Paul about life and the vocation of peacebuilding.

Unmasking Evil: Religiously Motivated Peacebuilding and the Challenge of Terror

A draft paper written for presentation at the First Annual Catholic Peacebuilding Network Conference held in 2004.

Foreword, Disarmed

The foreword to a biography about Mennonite peacebuilder Michael "MJ" Sharp.

Perspectives for Assessing and Working with Power

A brief exploration into the perspectives of mutual dependence and currencies as ways to understand power, as well as considerations mediators can use to balance power.

Foreword, The Bernal Story

A foreword written for The Bernal Story, a firsthand account of the transformation of a community conflict in the Bernal Heights neighborhood of San Francisco, California.

Foreword, Satyagraha and Nonresistance

The foreword to Satyagraha and Nonresistance, which explores tensions and resonances between the Anabaptist notion of nonresistance and Gandhian views of nonviolence.