The Long-term View of Post 9/11 World from the Lenses of Peacebuilding

A paper prepared for a panel reflecting on the challenges of the long-term Post 9/11 World with a focus on U.S. policies responses.

From table to termites: A conversation with Mennonite peacebuilder John Paul Lederach

A excerpts from a conversation discussing contemporary Mennonite peace witness with Sarah and Jonathan Nahar.

Building Mediative Capacity in Deep-Rooted Conflict

An article making the case that the nature, purpose, and construction of mediation must be reconsidered toward the nurturing of social mediative capacity.

Mediating Across Cultures

An exploration into the construction of meaning as it informs conflict resolution training.

Fostering Culturally Responsive Courts: The Case of Family Dispute Resolutions for Latinos

An article focusing on how mediation services can be improved to better reflect the culture-based needs and expectations of Latino litigants.

The Moral Imagination

A video interview with Robert Wright for The Wright Show, a production of

‘Reconcile’: Interview with Peace Activist John Paul Lederach

An interview by Christian Piatt about the book, Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians.

Communication and Conflict Schemes

A diagram that outlines the steps of a communication sequence between two people.

The Heart of the Matter: An Integrated Framework for Empowerment

An integrated framework for analysis and critique of conflict resolution training.