Beyond Violence: Building Sustainable Peace

A published chapter of John Paul's remarks at the Beyond Violence Conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland in November 1994.

Of Nets, Nails, and Problemas: A Folk Vision of Conflict in Central America

John Paul's Ph.D. thesis for the Department of Sociology at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

John Paul Lederach Speaks at the Next Gen Peace Conference

A keynote speech at the 2016 Alliance for Peacebuilding Conference reflecting on accompaniment of peacebuilding and conflict transformation in Nepal across a decade.

Teacher Spider and the Golden Thread

A dharma talk shared with the Upaya Zen Center community in March 2020 for the Socially Engaged Buddhist Training.

Art and Peacebuilding: Dwelling at the Hearth

A keynote delivered at the virtual Art in the Place of Conflict conference, organized by the Derry Playhouse in Northern Ireland.

The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A dharma talk shared with the Upaya Zen Center on the moral imagination and connectedness with self and other.

Dispatches from Nowhere Near the Promise Land: How a Peacebuilder Unlearned His Trade

A lecture delivered on the occasion of being awarded the Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize at Brandeis University.

How Weird Friends Change the World

A dharma talk shared at the Upaya Zen Center discussing creating friendships across ideological divides and differences.