Remembering Forward: The Visionary Practical Scholarship of Adam Curle

A keynote delivered at the for the 40th anniversary of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford, honoring scholar and practitioner Adam Curle.

Compassionate Presence: Faith-based Peacebuilding in the Face of Violence

A lecture delivered in contribution to the Distinguished Lecture Series of the University of San Diego's Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice in February 2012.

The Art and Soul of Civil Leadership: Democracy that Delivers

A keynote address delivered at The Transformative Mosaic Conference, organized by Mediation Northern Ireland in 2011.

ACR Conference Keynote The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A keynote address delivered at the Fourth Annual Conference of the Association of Conflict Resolution.

Peacebuilding Today: An Appeal for the Moral Imagination

A lecture given at Messiah College's Sider Institute on the power of the moral imagination in the turning point of a new Millennium in human history.

From Polarization to Healing

A conversation on The Growing Edge podcast about conflict dynamics and polarization in the United States and pathways to shift these escalating patterns.

Reconciliation: At the Heart of God’s Mission

The acceptance speech for the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (RLDS) International Peace Award at the RLDS World Conference of 2000.

The Art of Peace

A conversation with Krista Tippett exploring themes of the moral imagination, arts-inspired peacebuilding, and music and poetry in healing and reconciliation.

Living Now: Rehumanization in the 200 Year Present

A talk from the Upaya Zen Center sharing stories about experiences working with Indigenous communities around the world.