Closing Ritual

A closing ritual suited for the completion of a retreat or course for peacebuilding practitioners.

Conflict Transformation and the Health Care Worker

An article exploring the role and potential contributions of health care providers in a conflict transformation and peacebuilding.

Conflict Management in the Church: A Review of the Literature

An overview and analysis of the literature aimed at the study of conflict management in the Church.

Understanding Conflict: Experience, Structure and Dynamics

Guide posts for conflict managers to understand key aspects of the experience, structure, and dynamics of conflict.

Perspectives for Assessing and Working with Power

A brief exploration into the perspectives of mutual dependence and currencies as ways to understand power, as well as considerations mediators can use to balance power.

Conflict Transformation: A Working Definition

A table exploring the descriptive and prescriptive ways of understanding conflict transformation across four dimensions: personal, relational, structural, and cultural.

Foreword, The Bernal Story

A foreword written for The Bernal Story, a firsthand account of the transformation of a community conflict in the Bernal Heights neighborhood of San Francisco, California.