Living Now: Rehumanization in the 200 Year Present

A talk from the Upaya Zen Center sharing stories about experiences working with Indigenous communities around the world.

The Intervention in Somalia: What Should Have Happened

An interview with Joe Stork on the U.S. military intervention into Somalia and alternative avenues to provide assistance.

The Dynamic Interdependencies of Practice and Scholarship

An editorial exploring the dynamic feedback between scholarship and practice in the peace studies field, interdependencies that provide the foundation for conflict engagement and challenge existing understandings and approaches.

Mediating Conflict in Central America

A study focusing on how mediation has been used in conflict management within Nicaragua with particular reference to the Esquipulas peace process.

Peacebuilding Platform for Apprenticeship: A few ideas about an initiative for mentorship

An early draft sketching ideas for what eventually became the Apprenticeship Program.

Burma Diary

A travel diary written over the course of John Paul's first trip to Myanmar in Spring 2003.

Actors and Approaches to Peacebuilding

A pyramid model of actors and approaches to building peace across scales from the grassroots, middle range, and top-level leaders.

From Conflict Resolution to Strategic Peacebuilding

A lecture delivered to peace studies faculty on the evolution of terms and practice from conflict resolution to strategic peacebuilding and a transformative approach.