Dispatches from the Burning Ground: Compassionate Presence and Faith-based Peacebuilding

A lecture shared at Conrad Grebel University College for the 2014 Convocation celebration on the topic of compassionate presence and faith-inspired peacebuilding.

UNLV Lecture The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace

A contribution to the Peace in the Desert Lecture Series of the Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

The Art of Peace

A conversation with Krista Tippett exploring themes of the moral imagination, arts-inspired peacebuilding, and music and poetry in healing and reconciliation.

Living Now: Rehumanization in the 200 Year Present

A talk from the Upaya Zen Center sharing stories about experiences working with Indigenous communities around the world.

The Ingredients of Social Courage

A conversation with Krista Tippett and America Ferrera at the inaugural On Being Gathering, exploring the ingredients of social courage and how change really happens in generational time.

Becoming the Enemy

Stories and reflections woven in the development of a practical theology of the enemy.

Giving Birth to the Unexpected

An article sharing lessons from settings of protracted conflict and suggestions for how to respond creatively and strategically to the attacks of 11 September.

The Origins and Evolution of Infrastructures for Peace: A Personal Reflection

At article reflecting on the emergence and evolution of infrastructures for peace as a core ingredient of a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding.

Building Mediative Capacity in Deep-Rooted Conflict

An article making the case that the nature, purpose, and construction of mediation must be reconsidered toward the nurturing of social mediative capacity.