Reflective Peacebuilding: A Planning, Monitoring and Learning Toolkit

A toolkit intended to improve peacebuilders’ ability to be reflective practitioners which involves enhancing peacebuilders’ capacity to design and impact transformative change, and track and improve upon those changes over time in unpredictable conflict contexts.

The Wow Factor and a Non-Theory of Change

A thought piece that explores positive approaches to peacebuilding as a composite moment in which the creative process lifts sight to a new, more holistic view.

Five Qualities of Practice in Support of Reconciliation Processes

A practitioner’s view of attitudes and approaches for supporting reconciliation that have proven useful, cautioning against reducing reconciliation to a formula or technique-based methodology.

Beyond Violence: Building Sustainable Peace

A published chapter of John Paul's remarks at the Beyond Violence Conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland in November 1994.

Approaches to Training

A matrix linking conflict resolutionary and transformative approaches to training.

Framework for Analyzing Conflict

A guideline of questions to support in conflict analysis with a focus on people, process, and problem, three major aspects of conflict.

The Poetics of Building Peace

A collection of prompts guiding reflection on the relationship between peace, arts, and poetry.