Staying True in Nepal: Understanding Community Mediation Through Action Research

A chapter focusing on a community mediation initiative in Nepal that employed participatory action research as the mode for understanding practice and the development of relevant training materials for local use. 

Supporting Creative, Whole Peacebuilders: An Apprenticeship Program

A chapter weaving reflections emergent from the apprenticeship program that includes narratives from each of the four apprentices.

Strategic Peacebuilding: An Overview

A chapter that sketches the contours of a theory of strategic peacebuilding and offers practical suggestions for peacebuilding practitioners.

The Mystery of Transformative Times and Space: Exploring a Theology of Grassroots Peacebuilding

A chapter exploring how space is articulated, defined, and redefined by people engaging in grassroots peacebuilding as a response to context-specific situations.

Conflict Transformation in Protracted Internal Conflicts: The Case for a Comprehensive Framework

A chapter that outlines a comprehensive framework for conflict transformation in protracted, internal conflicts.

The Growing Edge Podcast Unexpected Hope in Improbable Actions

John Paul provides thoughtful, sometimes surprising ideas and advice on how to navigate, disrupt and mitigate the patterns that lead to deeper conflict, with attention to what is happening in contemporary U.S. politics.

Accompaniment: Walking Alongside an Organizational Journey

John Paul shares reflections about accompaniment embedded in a story from his experience from the 1980s being alongside negotiations to end the war in Nicaragua.

Faith Into Action: A Moral Imagination Conversation

A video emergent from the URI Moral Imagination program in which Libby Hoffman, Charles Gibbs, and John Paul discuss how the Moral Imagination supports URI practice and philosophy.

Let’s Talk About Culture: Reconcile Chapter 9 Finale

The final session of a book study of Reconcile, hosted through Let's Talk About Culture, in which John Paul features as a guest.