A Working Matrix for Developing an Infrastructure for Peacebuilding

A working infrastructure matrix that outlines four categories of inquiry to guide the development of a more comprehensive approach to peacebuilding.

Strategic and Responsive Tools for Evaluation

A set of tools to integrate strategic and responsive components of evaluation for peacebuilding initiatives.

The Place Called Reconciliation

A visual of reconciliation as a meeting place of four social energies in conflict and peacebuilding - Truth, Justice, Mercy, and Peace.

Doodle One. Conflict as a Line Image

A doodle from The Moral Imagination expressing the escalation and deescalation of conflict through a single line in time.

Moving from Reaction to Transformation

A matrix mapping questions to hold in the movement from reaction to reform to transformation of crises/issues across scales of intervention from the individual to the systemic.

Peace and Justicebuilding: An Action Reflection Tool for Design and Evaluation

A tool to guide action reflection prior to, during, and following peace and justicebuilding efforts.

Morning Walks, Morning Pages

A group practice intended to help experience the deep beauty and wisdom of the natural world, and to listen deeply to the inner wisdom called forth by the natural world.

The Poetics of Building Peace

A collection of prompts guiding reflection on the relationship between peace, arts, and poetry.

A Story from Colombia: We Have Decided To Think For Ourselves

A story about courageous leadership in the area of La India in Colombia.