Levels of Leadership

An analytical and descriptive exploration of a pyramid model to capture the overview of how an entire affected population in a setting of internal armed conflict is represented by leaders and other actors, as well as the roles they play in navigating the situation.

Five Qualities of Practice in Support of Reconciliation Processes

A practitioner’s view of attitudes and approaches for supporting reconciliation that have proven useful, cautioning against reducing reconciliation to a formula or technique-based methodology.

Journey from Resolution to Transformative Peacebuilding

A chapter reflecting on three specific experiences that marked important evolutions in John Paul's thinking and practice.

Conflict Transformation: The Case for Peace Advocacy

A chapter that advances an orientation to peacemaking termed peace advocacy, which emphasizes a trust-based approach undertaking with a long-term commitment and based on the development of relationships.

Conflict Transformation in Protracted Internal Conflicts: The Case for a Comprehensive Framework

A chapter that outlines a comprehensive framework for conflict transformation in protracted, internal conflicts.

Justice and a Just War

An episode of On Being with Krista Tippett exploring three varied perspectives on how such questions are alive and evolving today, and how they might inform our approach to the conflict in Afghanistan and the peace we would like to achieve beyond it.

Change from Within

A brief reflection on the process required to mobilize, support, and uplift people best positioned to transform the sources of extremism.

Giving Birth to the Unexpected

An article sharing lessons from settings of protracted conflict and suggestions for how to respond creatively and strategically to the attacks of 11 September.

Becoming the Enemy

Stories and reflections woven in the development of a practical theology of the enemy.