In Conversation with Toni Shapiro-Phim

An interview with Toni Shapiro-Phim on the occasion of John Paul's receipt of the Joseph B. and Toby Gittler Prize at Brandeis University.

Mysticism, New Physics, and Peacebuilding: Towards a New Spirituality on the Field

An interview by Yago Abeledo exploring numerous themes relevant to John Paul's inner process in the field of peacebuilding.

‘Reconcile’: Interview with Peace Activist John Paul Lederach

An interview by Christian Piatt about the book, Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians.

Actors and Approaches to Peacebuilding

A pyramid model of actors and approaches to building peace across scales from the grassroots, middle range, and top-level leaders.

YATAMA-Sandinista Mediation: Twelve Things I Have Learned

Twelve reflections gathered through the experience of mediating between YATAMA and the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.

Truth and Mercy, Justice and Peace

An excerpt from the book Building Peace about the emergence of understanding reconciliation as a focus and a locus in the transformation of conflict.

Foreword, The Bernal Story

A foreword written for The Bernal Story, a firsthand account of the transformation of a community conflict in the Bernal Heights neighborhood of San Francisco, California.

Foreword, Practicing the Politics of Jesus

A foreword penned for Earl Zimmerman's book Practicing the Politics of Jesus: The Origin and Significance of John Howard Yoder’s Social Ethics.