Fostering Culturally Responsive Courts: The Case of Family Dispute Resolutions for Latinos

An article focusing on how mediation services can be improved to better reflect the culture-based needs and expectations of Latino litigants.

Beyond Intractability Interview

A interview with Julian Portilla exploring themes of narrative and storytelling, insider-outsider models of mediation, and personal and professional formative influences in the U.S. during the Civil Rights Movement, in Nicaragua, and in Costa Rica.

‘Reconcile’: Interview with Peace Activist John Paul Lederach

An interview by Christian Piatt about the book, Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians.

Writing Your Own Story

A creative exploration in storytelling and imagining a better future.

The Poetics of Building Peace

A collection of prompts guiding reflection on the relationship between peace, arts, and poetry.

Continuum of Cultural Expectations

A chart illustrating cultural expectations across stages of mediation along a spectrum from "pure formal" to "pure informal."

Perspectives for Assessing and Working with Power

A brief exploration into the perspectives of mutual dependence and currencies as ways to understand power, as well as considerations mediators can use to balance power.